Thursday 1 May 2008


please let Charles, the door man, announce your presence to the rabble. . .

(and do tell him who you've come as,
since you're in fancy dress. . .
I can't quite work it out!)
(YIKES! maybe you're not in fancy dress?
perhaps this is how you always go to parties. . .
you are fascinating!
that'll be why you're on the guest list)


Anonymous said...

Yay! First!

Is there something I can do to help with the preparations?

I, Like The View said...

music - I need music!!

(and I can't get the cork out of the champagne. . .)

I, Like The View said...

(I have no idea why it seems to think it's four in the afternoon - it's almost midnight here, and I need to get some beauty sleep. . . so I'll see you tomorrow, OK?!)(my tomorrow, that is, as opposed to anyone else's)

katherine. said...

hmmm...what is the time difference?

Romeo Morningwood said...

WOAH! Neonic and uber kewl ..
Yowza Yowza Yowza!
Ok I've got my Rumsky, my Lampshade, let's Dance!

katherine. said...

later on, can we run around a thirteen story apartment building and play hide and go seek???


I, Like The View said...

katherine the stairs are those of the Eiffel Tower (one of the views being Paris) so if that grabs you, I'll hide first!

donn you askin'? I'm dancin'! (mel, ask The Brit about The Liver Birds)

mel?? where are you darling? hope it's not too fuzzy a day for you dearheart

Mel said...


"Nice tail feathers"?

The doorman is a nice touch.
I mean that figuratively, of course.

*flaps a wing*


I, Like The View said...

ooooh, mel shake those tail feathers!

Anonymous said...

Wie schön, dass du geboren bist

Heute kann es regnen,
stürmen oder schnei'n,
denn du strahlst ja selber
wie der Sonnenschein.
Heut ist dein Geburtstag,
darum feiern wir,
alle deine Freunde,
freuen sich mit dir.

Wie schön, dass du geboren bist,
wir hätten dich sonst sehr vermisst.
wie schön, dass wir beisammen sind,
wir gratulieren dir, Geburtstagskind!

Uns're guten Wünsche
haben ihren Grund:
Bitte bleib noch lange
glücklich und gesund.
Dich so froh zu sehen,
ist was uns gefällt,
Tränen gibt es schon
genug auf dieser Welt.

Wie schön, dass du geboren bist,
wir hätten dich...

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch,
das ist ganz egal,
dein Geburtstag kommt im Jahr
doch nur einmal.
Darum lass uns feiern,
dass die Schwarte kracht,
Heute wird getanzt,
gesungen und gelacht.

Wie schön, dass du geboren bist,
wir hätten dich...

Wieder ein Jahr älter,
nimm es nicht so schwer,
denn am Älterwerden
änderst du nichts mehr.
Zähle deine Jahre
und denk' stets daran:
Sie sind wie ein Schatz,
den dir keiner nehmen kann.

Wie schön, dass du geboren bist,
wir hätten dich sonst sehr vermisst.
wie schön, dass wir beisammen sind,
wir gratulieren dir, Geburtstagskind!

mig bardsley said...


Charles (nice) let me in so I'm assuming I'm not totally too late?

Thing is, I thought it was a pyjama party so I've got my pink silk ones on and no shoes. Perhaps I could avail myself of a mask?
And if you had a slipper or two? Well, just one would do really.

Mel said...

*wigglin' the duckie butt*


STILL you're birthday over here and I'm STILL partyin'!

Happy Birthday to youuUUuuuUUuuuuu!!

I, Like The View said...

mig actually, I kinda cheated with Charles, he's more of a reverse bouncer (he's not going to let anyone out until the very bitter end, and the same goes for Caractacus too! I figured noone was gonna sneak out early anyway!)

pink silk PJs sounds just the thing . . . and, lovely mig these may well be a slipper going spare! I'd be very happy if it fits you

mel still going strong - I said carriages at dawn, but I didn't say which dawn

*sneaky giggle*

shot backatcha:

Elle a de ces lumières au fond des yeux
Qui rendent aveugles ou amoureux
Elle a des gestes de parfum
Qui rendent bête ou rendent chien
Et si lointaine dans son cœur
Pour moi c'est sûr, elle est d'ailleurs

Elle a de ces manières de ne rien dire
Qui parlent au bout des souvenirs
Cette manière de traverser
Quand elle s'en va chez le boucher
Quand elle arrive à ma hauteur
Pour moi c'est sûr, elle est d'ailleurs

Et moi je suis tombé en esclavage
De ce sourire, de ce visage
Et je lui dis emmène moi
Et moi je suis prêt à tous les sillages
Vers d'autres lieux, d'autres rivages
Mais elle passe et ne répond pas
Les mots pour elle sont sans valeur
Pour moi c'est sûr, elle est d'ailleurs

Elle a de ces longues mains de dentellière
A damner l'âme d'un Werner
Cette silhouette vénitienne
Quand elle se penche à ses persiennes
Ce geste je le sais par cœur
Pour moi c'est sûr, elle est d'ailleurs

Et moi je suis tombé en esclavage
De ce sourire, de ce visage
Et je lui dis emmène moi
Et moi je suis prêt à tous les sillages
Vers d'autres lieux, d'autres rivages
Mais elle passe et ne répond pas
L'amour pour elle est sans valeur
Pour moi c'est sûr, elle est d'ailleurs

Et moi je suis tombé en esclavage
De ce sourire, de ce visage
Et je lui dis emmène moi
Et moi je suis prêt à tous les sillages
Vers d'autres lieux, d'autres rivages
Mais elle passe et ne répond pas

Rimshot said...

Back! I brought you a couple two tree house warming gifts:

Oh my is my French bad.

...and Charles wants to know if it's ok for him to stop by during his break.

I, Like The View said...

during his break he'll be in the pool fishing out soggy popcorn (see below)(possibly quite a way below)

am just going to check out your gifts properly, cos I can't quite believe what I'm seeing!

Rimshot said...

hmmm... the URLs seem cut off in the comment above...

try these (but take out the spaces)

http:// v459/ rhachenberg/ ISLTV/ Housewarming/ bonsai_wypas.jpg


http:// albums/ v459/ rhachenberg/ ISLTV/ Housewarming/ saltpig.jpg

dinahmow said...

C'est moi! I know, I know...despite being on the fast side of the world, I'm a bit late to this page. (Thanks for the explanation on my blog;I know the secret links - just didn't have time to wander through the fun and games.
I conga'd my way through the bananas, 'round the acalyphas, under the lemon, back through the petrea and finished up in the kitchen with a very generous glass of Shiraz.Wasn't it fun!
And hey! Pirates of the Caribbean is on telly in a couple of hours. Poor Johnny will be knackered after your party. Never mind...I'll make hime something soothing!
Now...despite coming to the party in a hula skirt and lei, I must now swap that for a chef's hat.
Many happies to you.

Greg said...

Can you please tell that doorman to let me in before I convince him of the error of his ways. I'm not in fancy dress, I really am a vampire but I don't to want to make a mess on the carpet by dealing with him myself :)

I, Like The View said...

does that mean that you give a serious hickey. . .


Greg said...

*grins evilly*

I couldn't possibly comment.


I, Like The View said...



(dunno what a punctuation hickey lookes like)

Dave said...

I've just found this one (well, I was away). Will have to spend some time poking around, looking for my card.

I, Like The View said...

hope you found it!


Rimshot said...

Happy Happy Birthday! 2009 style

Rimshot said...

Happy Birthday 2009 style!

I, Like The View said...

thanks sweetie